Terms of Use

Your experience while visiting is very important to us. To ensure you have a positive experience while visiting www.ShakopeeBallroom.com, we have implemented the following Terms of Use:


Maintaining the integrity of your privacy is very important to the Shakopee Ballroom (a banquet hall and an event center). We have established a separate Privacy Policy to ensure your personal information is protected and secured at all times.


To streamline communications between you and Shakopee Ballroom, you may be used personal information such as your name, phone number, email address, and personal address. Any personal information you provide to us will not be disclosed to anyone outside of the Shakopee Ballroom unless required by law. We will never exchange or sell your personal information to any other company for any purpose.


You will only receive emails or mailing from Shakopee Ballroom if you have specifically requested information or indicated an interest in future communications. If you are currently on our contact list, either via email or direct mail, and no longer wish to receive information from us. Please contact us via phone or email to be removed from future communications.

Information Collection and Use:

We will not sell or exchange names or any other personal information about our clients or potential future clients.

Email Links:

We will use email links throughout our website to allow you to efficiently contact us with any questions or comments you may have about our website or our services. We read every message and do our best to reply promptly to each one.


While we do our best to verify and validate all of the information on our website, some errors may exist. Please contact us directly with any questions or to receive updated pricing information.

Comments and Suggestions:

We value the feedback of our clients and visitors to our website. Please use your best judgment when supplying us with comments and suggestions. All material we receive from you as feedback will be considered public and non-confidential. As such, we reserve the right to use such comments and emails without limitation.


All information and images, logo, and business entity on this website are the exclusive property of the Shakopee Ballroom Inc.


Please contact us with any questions about these terms of Service at 952-445-0412 or email us at: donna@shakopeeballroom.com.


By visiting this site you are agreeing to the Terms of Use as outlined above. We reserve the right to change these terms or update our Privacy at any time without notice.

Shakopee Ballroom, Inc.